this wk is passing like wildfire, i'm getting increasingly broke and very very tired...
(and it's supposed to be my recess wk, sigh)
"New in Town" with qin and hui
-it's not a AMAZING movie, but i love renee zellweger's legs(and secretly her face), and time with the girls, always not too bad (:
-and then tuition, and rushed over to have dinner and stayover with jen,hj and xq (the rest left after dinner)

i guess it was rather fun, we laughed like mad and we watched criminial minds. rather good! but i'd rather not be hooked cause i need to do alot of work, which til now i have not started |:
so, tues:

my french gang (: very good company and good RELAXING time...
then off to the very fun LIMELIGHT 2009! (:

ppl from my batch who went with mrs chua

and our little gathering (with deb missing)
boring sentosa cove site visit, and crazy shopping for bbq food.
for Bee's 21st birthday!

okay...i'm off to rest/do some work, then time to meet qin and hui to help decorate her party! woot. long long day/ wk
(and it's supposed to be my recess wk, sigh)
"New in Town" with qin and hui
-it's not a AMAZING movie, but i love renee zellweger's legs(and secretly her face), and time with the girls, always not too bad (:
-and then tuition, and rushed over to have dinner and stayover with jen,hj and xq (the rest left after dinner)
i guess it was rather fun, we laughed like mad and we watched criminial minds. rather good! but i'd rather not be hooked cause i need to do alot of work, which til now i have not started |:
so, tues:
my french gang (: very good company and good RELAXING time...
then off to the very fun LIMELIGHT 2009! (:
ppl from my batch who went with mrs chua
and our little gathering (with deb missing)
boring sentosa cove site visit, and crazy shopping for bbq food.
for Bee's 21st birthday!
okay...i'm off to rest/do some work, then time to meet qin and hui to help decorate her party! woot. long long day/ wk